RFID File Tracking Solution

RFID File Tracking Solution

RFID File Tracking Solution

ID Tech offers an exceptional RFID File Tracking Solution, spearheading a new era in efficient document management. With a wealth of experience in this specialized field, ID Tech presents an innovative approach that transforms traditional file tracking methods.

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, the efficient management of documents is paramount to achieving operational success. Traditional methods of file tracking, reliant on manual input and exhaustive search efforts, often result in time wastage, increased error rates, and a general lack of accountability.
Embracing RFID technology unlocks a multitude of benefits that drive organizations toward heightened efficiency and enhanced productivity. By integrating RFID tags into file folders, documents can be uniquely identified and tracked throughout their life-cycle, enabling real-time monitoring of their whereabouts. This technology minimizes human intervention, significantly reduces the risk of misplacement, and expedites retrieval times. As a result, employees can redirect their focus from mundane administrative tasks to more value-added activities, fostering a culture of innovation and growth.

How It Works

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1. RFID Tagging

Each file is equipped with an RFID Tag containing unique identification information that links to the Database.

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2. Database Mapping

Staff utilizes RFID Table Top/Desktop Reader to link RFID tag data with corresponding file information in a central database

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3. Issue & Return

When a file is issued to a user, its RFID tag is scanned using an RFID Reader to record the transaction in the database

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4. Inventory Operation

Employees can quickly and easily take inventory using a handheld RFID reader, significantly

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5. Locating with RFID Reader

An RFID handheld reader emits signals or indicators, such as audible beeps or visual indicators,

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6. Data Collection

RFID file tracking software automatically records data such as file issuances, returns, inventory counts

Benefits of RFID File
Tracking System

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Effortless File Retrieval

Quickly locate files, saving time and
reducing frustration.
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Reliable Tracking

Prevent lost files with real-time
updates and accurate monitoring
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Simple Setup, Easy Expansion

Smooth integration and scalability
for evolving needs.

Contact Us



Plot no. 610, Udyog Vihar,
Phase V, Gurgaon-122016, India.

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